Keep in mind the characteristics of the bull bull-headed than the familiar feeling. Taureans (21 April-21 May), strong, loyal, grounded. They are stable and balanced. They are smart but overly intellectual. They do not receive hits from an unknown, but will rather familiar ground. They love, patients, and reliable.
Workplaces are Taureans good craftsmen, well with his own hands. You can have confidence in bull. they make good managers and foremen. They are effective in terms of the banking sector, architecture, agriculture, medicine and chemistry. This is an area where you can be creative, but within a stable practice and science. Taureans are good workers and goofing off. Because they do not have a large playlist, can they be trusted with finance companies and fully valid and reliable.
Zodiac-sized year-old Taurus held approximately 4300-2150 b.c. who have seen the emergence of Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations. It was an age of bronze in Greece, Minoan and Mycenaean cultures. This was a period characterized by agricultural growth and construction of the pyramids and megaliths. Bull cults was mainly due to Assyria, Egypt, Crete.
Famous Taureans excellent in all areas of life. They include Socrates, George Lucas, George Carlin, Martha Graham and Margot Fonteyn, Audrey Hepburn and Jerry Seinfeld.
As a partner or lover's Taureans loyal and loving home, patient's parents. Do not give sexual experiments. Taureans are grounded in usability. They are stable and harmony. They love pets and outdoor activities such as cycling, hiking and enjoying nature in General.
Each positive attribute is another page, and in the Taurean is reliability and resistance can manifest as jealousy or stubbornness. Fortunately, they are also very intelligent and fast could cause out of individual dark mood and depression.
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