Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Greeks — basic astrology

Greek astrology and more good, often known as the Hellenistic astrology. Has he really originate in Egypt, at any time after the conquest by Alexander the great and the early Christian era. Hellenistic Astrology contains Byzantine and Roman astrology. It is therefore a general geographical area and era in history, rather than a specific society or culture.

But Hellenistic astrology can be linked to individual or culture, it is the root of all modern and Western Astrology. There are lots of documents written in Greek, although some are written in Roman characters in Natal astrology. This branch of astrology, which refers to the personality. Part of the reason that it is difficult to be the source of these documents with a single individual or culture of the approximately 800 years.

But this does not mean that significant Greek philosophers and scientists have not been part of the evolution of astrology. Hippocrates used astrologiska the interpretation as part of its system for medical diagnosis. Pythagoras was in Egypt, and while there is nothing in the writing of Pythagoras, there were theories, "he explains," says that the Earth, planets and fixed stars around the Sun, a thousand years before Galileo turned on! His theory was later contradicted by Aristotle, who said that the Earth was the center of the world.

After the conquest by Alexander Mesopotamia Greek Astrology began to take on a more personal approach. Zodiac signs and planets represent them in their mythology. Stoisk philosophers are particularly susceptible to astrology. Astrology Greek influences and metaphysical astrology in India. About 70 BC the Greeks invented the first personalized horoscope based on time and date of birth and 30 BC, Emperor Augustus his horoscope chart and interpret Thrasyllos.

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