Monday, February 28, 2011

Natal chart

Astrology is natal chart (also called birthchart) chart showing the positions of the planets and astrologiska houses in the sky at your time of birth. Natal chart is a much more detailed and precise than your horoscope. Popular horoscope considers only the position of the Sun, while the Natal chart contains hundreds of data. Mark Twain once said: the difference between a good words and the right word, as the difference between fire and firefly. Your popular horoscope may hold some hints of truth, but natal chart tells real your natural personality.
Analysis of Magnetospheric positions and relationships in natal chart offers fantastic depth and see the identification on your natural character, with its inherent strengths and weaknesses. Including Natal chart will tell you: A) the type of partner and the relationship that you find the best and will match, B) what kind of job or your natural strengths and weaknesses are best suited for a career, and C) barriers to be overcome in your life. Most importantly, natal chart will help you to understand your desires, motives, and why is the way you are.
For an accurate natal chart, we need to know the exact location of the stars at the exact time your birth year. Both houses of the Zodiac, one degree every four minutes when, is the exact time of birth, you must determine your parent sign and some planets
aspects. Although the natal chart without creating this post a lot of time-dependent part may have more accurate charts created with the exact time and place of birth.

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