Friday, March 4, 2011


Those born under the sign of Libra, Libra (Sept 24-Oct 23), with the balance between wonderful properties. They are considered to be diplomatic and polite, romantic and charming, idealistic and peaceable. Even their darker properties not so frightening. They can be easily influenced and flirtiga, unresolved. Scales are curiously only signs of the Zodiac are represented in an immobile object, scales. Other characters are animals or sea creature or person.

Libra is the first character, big, astrologers and took place between 15 000-13 000 years. This means the beginning of the man and his expression of his status, in addition to clear mechanisms. This is the date the monumental painting of the Lasco cave. It also marks the emergence of man in America, crossing the Bering Strait in North America.

Like the scales of Justice represented as this Sun sign Libra makes good lawyers and judges. They can go back and look at the situation in send critical and objective. They are among the most civilized of all characters with elegance and culture among their drawing.

If your partner is unwilling to bend on Libras inverse problems peacefully. Best fit Scales are twins. they are the least Capricorns because it is like a little more excitement in Capricorns life although Libras, prefer a more laid-back existence. You will not find Libra meets all dance, which is secure! Very easy going and compassion, you will find the scales enterprises a pleasure to use. Although they originate, they are also amazingly peaceful and calm the mind.

Famous Librans include John Lennon and Jenny Lind, Swedish singer. Doris Lessing, Luciano Pavarotti, Oscar Wilde and Johnny Carson, are just some of Librans which has enriched our lives in art.


You were born under the sign of Aquarius. The compassion and generous person you ... and you know that there really is Aquarius. It was the only songwriter in the musical concept, not. Just as there are certain constellations divided so that era in the history of 2000 years of the so-called big year. FISH net we leave the age, which began in the early Christian era until the year 2000. It was a time characterised by fluid changes in policy and Governments. Fish, of course, is a sign of the fish, a symbol of Christianity.

We are now in the era of Aquarius, but only at the beginning, as the song says. All beautiful, spacious water features, the carrier is not symbolic of humanity as a whole, as evidenced by the current unrest in the Middle East. But there are signs. Don't forget the random acts of kindness. Perhaps it is the harbinger of Aquarius.

If you have an Aquarius than you from 20 January to 18 February was born. You are in the human and smarter than most and thoughts on how to make the world a better place. You can be imaginative and original, and you're all-loving. Are you a generous with your thoughts, or people interested or not! You may need an eccentric and idiosyncratic and lots of space but your heart is almost always in the right place.

That is the right partner for very intelligent and quirky Aquarius. Someone who can appreciate their generous quality and share their faith. Someone is willing to explore and develop with them. Aquarius will be happy with someone who is open minded, which is warm and understand and be prepared to be Assistant. While this may be perfect for just about anyone, this is particularly important for Aquarius can be a partner, their passion for a better world and will be sharing their kindness.


Aries (March 21-April 20) FRAMEWORK called first zodiac sign. At the beginning of the year in January, we believe that there is a beginning of a new calendar year. But this year's Zodiac, remember and is regulated more celestial than mundane questions! 21 March – vernal equinox, which marks the beginning of the year of the zodiac. And if you think about it, it makes sense. Spring is a time for renewal and rebirth.

If you happen to be born under this sign, you usually have the same properties as young's FRAMEWORK. Enthusiastic, adventurous, Frank and energetic. You're brave and confident. You would be a bit impulsive, anyway. Perhaps one of Daredevil. Where is the world, but without the daredevils, ready to go and do something else entirely. Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most famous FRAMEWORK ever born. I guess that some other well-known Arian as Thomas Jefferson, Booker t. Washington, Francis Ford Coppola, Jane Goodall and Marlon Brando. None of them are afraid to break new ground. all of the changed world or their selected field, in a certain way.

Passionate amateurs and intense people born under this sign friends of Aries. They risk driving away folks with their intensity and partners without refuelling fire and explosive situations can match.

Arian makes good doctors, athletes, and explorers. This does not mean that people born under the sign of Ram but all measures. They have softer lambs page and if you have a frame, make sure that you can draw on this side of the communication with other people. Problems could arise in certain jobs, because you have an idea person and person to get things started to get instead. Surround yourself with people who can complement these properties, and you will definitely succeed.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Astrologiska forecasts

Generally shared the view astrologiska forecasts. In fact, both points of view based on a misunderstanding of how Astrology really works.

Although a surprise of believers to true may think many psychics that accurate predictions about your future can be done even if the actual trends astrology can reveal your future.

Tells you which one to astrolog next week Tuesday you will be on the street and is accidentally trip and fall, break the wrist left as a crack in a hydrant, be pretty exact forecast, will not. But nobody ever makes astrolog forecasts. more likely astrolog says, there is some risk of injury the following Tuesday. Try more cautious than usual. Of course, it's not exact forecasts, but rather a statement based on some astrologiska methods, have a better chance of a certain type of event that occurred. This is the real power of astrology: did not say what will happen (because that is its capacity), but to inform you about the probablilit9es of certain types of events that occur.

Astrology is not used to predict the future. It is used to help you better understand and comprehend trends and directions of your life. It is not absolute, but it is an indicator. If you do, not what your natal chart astrologiska or tell, this is definitely your best option is to change it. Astrology can give you insights about the potential fate, but there are too many variables, including the decisions you make yourself, that with any degree of accuracy to predict what will happen in the future.

Astrology, medicine, astronomy

There was a time when astrology is a recognized science and was a member of the medical diagnosis and how many were physical symptoms of the patient. It is difficult to say if we e-volved volved, or those we no longer believe that live in harmony with the cosmos. We consider ourselves for frontier research, thinking that the movement of stars and planets have serious consequences for our daily lives and our health.

But we are equal. Who is anyone to say that a man with his little brain, you can really understand the universe, or how it fits within the. Western civilization is based on the conquer, do not understand. But it was not always so.

Astrology is one of the most important historical context in which the developing astronomy. The Babylonians carefully picked tablets position Venus was believed to show early signs of weather, war, hunger, disease, Kings and kingdoms. Claudius Ptolemy in the Tetrabiblos, to think that astrology can be placed on a sound footing, but apparently art as medicine. In practice, this means believing in astrology, which were casting horoscopes for newborn children, spouses and political enemies public buildings were opened, and marriage and other ceremonies performed by favorable days in preparation. Many records astrologiska do you think the practice of the Roman period and doctors advice regularly astrologiska charts as part of the process of diagnosis.

For example, a zodiac sign as part of the human body: Sagittarius ruled the thigh, fish bones, etc., when the Moon in the Zodiac defined pronunciation body parts, blood letting this part had to be avoided because the Moon's gravitational pull can cause excessive bleeding. Many medical manuscripts and diaries to insert in the Zodiac man "as a reminder of the concrete effects of the moon. In addition, the power of the Moon's phases, tractive force is thus, almanakken varied and usually shows moon phase.


Sign Cancer (June 22-July 22) has little to do with that prickly crustacean, believe it or not. In fact, it is difficult to PIN down exactly what cancer personality. The ancient Egyptians considered sacred Scarab cancer. It was a symbol of resurrection and immortality and often placed the engraving of the Scarab in the body where it was the heart as a part of the process of mummification.

Crayfish are very creative and intuitive. They make great artists and musicians. They are not risk takers and will take time to all types of results and possibility to consider before starting a new company. They are very supportive and protective of the people around them, they will help in any way they can, but not impulsive and their generosity to calculate first loosen all risks. The emotional and loving and great family and pet people.

Zodiac fell great years according to cancer 8600 and loading BC. It was a time characterised by worshipping the goddess mother. During this period was discovered by the alcoholic fermentation, and people began to use the buyer.

Crayfish make great journalists, writers and politicians because of their ability to think and independent judges, "she said, they are good public service, perhaps in social service agencies. Cancer is good providers, because they themselves, comfort and a good life. Cancer can be shot and their families in this outing. They are not too good at taking orders, as well as they are required to be compliant or its underlying positions, it is not appropriate for them.

Famous cancer is an interesting combination of performance. They included the Duke of Windsor and Bob Fosse, Sylvester Stallone, Dalai Lama, Robin Williams and Ernest Hemingway.

Best partner for cancer cells, although the sign at least develop a harmonious relationship with cancer FRAMEWORK.


If you are a Capricorn (December 22 to January 20), you are the person that takes into account, but in a quiet and discreet manner. It is these people what they do for themselves. They have the grit and determination to achieve from the project or goal, regardless of how long it takes. They are surprisingly witty, regardless of where they are, even if they do not fire, brash types. Ibex will always be on time, it will always be responsible positions. They make good psychologists because of their ability to listen to people or people with Kurt discussion forum. Be able to remain calm and reasoned disagreement or conflict, even if another perhaps more passionately.

They are deep thinkers who have good memories and never ending intellectual curiosity. Between them they have a tendency to crash. Capricorns very high standards for themselves and easily disappointed if other equally high standards.

They are professional, highly attractive music, although their logical page, they are also an excellent bankers. Some famous Capricorns includes Anwar El Sadat and Martin Luther King. Capricorns are also Paul Cezanne and Henri Matisse. Richard Nixon, Simone de Beauvoir and Edgar Allen Poe other famous Capricorns.

After the age of Aquarius in zodiac is big climbs years (approximately 2000 to 4000 CE) up to the age of Aquarius. It is difficult to predict the condition of the person who at the time. We will be forwarded to other planets and solar systems. Aquarius is humanity and better understanding between human beings on Earth (we hope!), would be that the definition of age of Capricorn. We'll explain the purpose of the Aquarius. Many people look for the new millennium and the beginning of a new era in the great year, in the hope that we will have learned from past mistakes. I hope we will continue to learn and in an era of Capricorn will become even more human resources.