Tuesday, March 1, 2011


If you are in 1945, was born in 1957, n1969, 1981 and 1993 than you cock. De Haan is known as a pioneer in a spirit of dedicated work and desire for knowledge. He is selfish and eccentric and best matches the snakes and bulls. Strangely enough authors snake and her sister cock. We believe that there is something about this Astrology thing!

Cranes are fast thinkers and practical, resourceful, prefer to stick to the tried and true, instead of unnecessary risk. Cranes are keen observers in their environment and surroundings. It is hard to slip something for cock, because they seem to have their eyes on the back of the head. This quality can lead others to think cock psychic, but in General. Instead, close the symbol of a great eye for detail that makes him an expert on something that requires analysis. Cranes make great lawyers, brain surgeons or accountants, several possible careers. First of all, the male is very straight forward and reward others honesty in nature.

Crow tend to be perfectionists and hope that in the control, in particular about their appearance. Primping and posing for de Haan can take forever. Be noticed and admired aphrodisiac for cranes, and they can go a long time for some kind words; also adore city of Cranes takes on, especially if they are accompanied by adoring friends. De Haan is best dressed, Maxim-style counter with this character, regardless of cost.

Crow must learn to value their hearts and souls, as their appearance. Their excellent people skills and a sharp mind are qualities that others will appreciate how a pretty face


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