Saturday, February 26, 2011


Scorpio, Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22), one of the most energetic and powerful signs of the zodiac. This is an exciting and magnetic personality, very passionate and emotional. They are a powerful personalities and can easily be sent to the leading role. Consider some complex characters, known as Scorpios: Hillary Clinton, Pablo Picasso, Dylan Thomas, Simon and Garfankelâ is Scorpios. Others include poet Sylvia Plath and Marie Curie. Marie Antoinette was too Scorpion.

Scorpios are more likely to be a genius-level IQ than the majority. they are intense, critically and analytically. They can tend to rebel against all treaties and political extremists.

Best love match for Scorpio, Capricorn. they understand each other's deep spiritual, almost psychic level. Scorpios give their heart fully and passionately.

They can be so talented, can be found in many jobs. Their inner intensity can result in icy self-control and detachment of the surgeon, the concentration of the researcher and heroic soldiers. Any profession in which the analyses, studies, research, dealing with practical issues and solve mysteries are relevant, may appeal to them, So police and detective work, espionage and counterespionage, law, physics or psychology may attract them and give them the opportunity to master the art of the spoken and written words are the most compelling speakers and find fulfillment as diplomats or preachers and whether they are church their profession, their inner intensity can express themselves in the spiritual fervor Mysticism or miracles.

Age of Scorpio in the years of great astrologers, not because it will take time in the future. It is a function of age, we wonder? Humanity will survive so long.

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