Monday, February 28, 2011


If you're in 1942, 1954, 1966m 197 m, 1990 and 2002 were born, you're a horse. You are a popular and attractive to the opposite sex. You can ostentations and impatient. You need people, but must marry Tiger or dog. Avoid a rat!

Horses are thirsty of love and intimacy, which is a double-edged sword, because it often leads them to feel trapped. Love connections are generally easy to get to horses because they breathe natural raw sex appeal, which is a magnet for others. This symbol has a tendency to be very strong in early relations with almost innate sense of romance and seduction. Horses are women in General. Check out the list of the parties, and you are sure to find of the horse in the register of attendance. This symbol has sharp humor and sparkling presence. really know how to work a crowd. Fantastic horses tend to feel a little worse than their peers, an erroneous perception that their drift from group to group, irrational fear of being exposed as fraud as a result.

Horses are usually not similar to the big picture. Instead, they follow their whims, which only ended prematurely in footprint, jobs, projects, etc. can cause. This character know really how to motivate others, though, and get a lot done. When they find some peace in themselves, they can take advantage of their central tendency and learn to appreciate what is in its own backyard.

Horses are nomads in the Chinese Zodiac, roaming from one location or from project to another. All of this character constant activity and searches can be satisfying deep-rooted desire text thread. Ironically, the simultaneous pursuit of know horses independence and freedom.

Introduction: Astrology

What is your astrological sign. Everyone knows that his or her character. Even if you are not a believer, position of the planets on your birth time indicator for your identity and to events that occur to determine your during your life, you probably met someone who thinks. At least is the secure conversation club, way to get to know someone. But there is something to it, simply Horoscopes Hocus pocus. Or they really predict events in your life.

Astrology is one of the earliest science in human history. There are records that originated in astrologiska Babylon 1645 BC Other crops such as Egyptian and Greek have developed methods for timekeeping and calendars. As soon as man began to follow and monitor the world around him, he has also its own relationship to the Earth, stars, planets and elements around it seems. Astrology is one way of early civilizations have contributed to their place in the cosmos. They understand how more than himself. not to win but you should understand.

While in the modern age astrology is seen as a new era and not believable sciences such as astronomy and chemistry, was at the same time, it equally reliable science that everyone else. Astronomers like Galileo and Copernicus also practicing astrologers. With the development of more quantitative Sciences Astrology influence and position on the decline. He was a Renaissance in 1930 with the birth of English Princess Margaret. London Sunday Express ran her astrologiska profile, and the event was the origin of today's daily horoscope in the newspapers.

Someone who has very good astrologiska profile themselves forced to admit that read, there are some eerie similarities. We can actually do, as if we expert universe that we can reject the disciplines of astrology. Perhaps Shakespeare when he wrote something in Hamlet, there are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.


If you are in 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980 and 1992 was born, then you are a monkey in Chinese astrology. The desicribed both intellectual and can affect humans. Enthusiasm, you're easily discouraged achiever and confused. Your best races with a dragon or a rat and beware of Tiger.

Monkeys are a good listener and manage difficult situations with ease. Natural curiosity, mark indicates the broad intellectual curiosity. Monkeys have show-out side who love nothing more than to impress their friends with everything they know.

Monkey world full of ruthless energy and revelry, not all of them. Remember, though, is it not what does this symbol. This may just be a little too curious for his own good. Monkey often feel the need to try anything at least once that fact in the carousel.

Monkey love of luxury can also cause other types of problems. It is a sign of self-control is possible only if the food, alcohol and other pleasant events. It's party time all the time for monkey and if it leads to a monster hangover or broken heart (usually with someone else, not theirs), this character, a hint of remorse actually can operate. They are not difficult to realize that the error of their ways, but at least they will pull back and try to view things--for a while.

Monkeys must try to learn to think of others before himself, at least part of their time. A sign of peace will be finished when it realizes that the world does not revolve around him.

Natal chart

Astrology is natal chart (also called birthchart) chart showing the positions of the planets and astrologiska houses in the sky at your time of birth. Natal chart is a much more detailed and precise than your horoscope. Popular horoscope considers only the position of the Sun, while the Natal chart contains hundreds of data. Mark Twain once said: the difference between a good words and the right word, as the difference between fire and firefly. Your popular horoscope may hold some hints of truth, but natal chart tells real your natural personality.
Analysis of Magnetospheric positions and relationships in natal chart offers fantastic depth and see the identification on your natural character, with its inherent strengths and weaknesses. Including Natal chart will tell you: A) the type of partner and the relationship that you find the best and will match, B) what kind of job or your natural strengths and weaknesses are best suited for a career, and C) barriers to be overcome in your life. Most importantly, natal chart will help you to understand your desires, motives, and why is the way you are.
For an accurate natal chart, we need to know the exact location of the stars at the exact time your birth year. Both houses of the Zodiac, one degree every four minutes when, is the exact time of birth, you must determine your parent sign and some planets
aspects. Although the natal chart without creating this post a lot of time-dependent part may have more accurate charts created with the exact time and place of birth.

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Pythagoras, the father of mathematics as the father is esoteric Numerology. He believed that it was an order of the universe, and this number had more than one way to quantify things. His philosophy consisted of the idea that each song has an esoteric meaning.

Esoteric Numerology, then, art and science of understanding the spiritual meaning and smooth transition of all things. A word or name vibrates on the song, and each room has a single meaning. Letters and code, once understood and applied, us direct and close relationship with basic intelligence and vibrations of the universe.

Pythagoras taught this number on the spiritual plane. With few exceptions, every discussed at a number between 1 and 9 and each of these numbers, the esoteric significance. He also represents in a loop. Pythagoras saw in some templates and geometrical conditions explanation of all natural phenomena, musical harmony and completely reverses tonal qualities. He knew the stars and planets units produced sounds that he harmony of spheres mentioned was vibrate.

The only time in the living room is not coded at the lowest level at this number 11 or 22. Generally accepted until the 11 2. But the number 11 is called a master number is extremely powerful in Numerology. There are actually a whole cult built around 11 rooms, or more specifically, 1111. Is a number that refers to the ending time, and this fascinating study all by itself.

As an example offers your birth date template, which we call life lesson. Your name at birth, when converted into rooms with code since the day the Pythagoras, can you tell me, mood you are in this life and record the growth of your soul can also be provided.

Puzzle pieces, you have to determine your personal numbers. When you go to Numerology, immerses you in the ancient science of astrology and Tarot.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Origin, the Babylonians

The Babylonians are generally recognized as a practice and science of astrology. Their astrologiska charts enabled them to predict recurrence of seasons and certain astronomical events. So at the beginning and over 2000 years, astronomy and astrology was the same science.

Babylonian astrology was introduced to the Greeks in the early 4th century BC, and by undertaking research, Plato, Aristotle, and others, astrology was highly regarded as a science. It was soon supported by the Romans (the Roman names of zodiac signs are still used today) and Arabs and later spread throughout the world.

Although the earliest astrology was used to get a sense of apparent chaos, he was soon forecasts weather conditions, primarily for agricultural purposes. In the end, it was extended to forecast natural disasters, war and other events in the influence of the human condition. After successes in these areas was founded, it was a natural progression for astrology to cause counselling for Kings and emperors, and eventually to the public.

It is expected that the Zodiac (derived from the Greek word meaning of animals) has been developed in ancient Egypt and later Babylonians. Early astrologers knew it took 12 lunar cycles (i.e., months) for the Sun to come back to its original position. They then identified 12 constellations that they observed were linked to the seasons and the names of certain animals and designated persons (in Babylon, such as the rainy season was found to occur when the Sun was particularly constellation Aquarius water carrier or name).

Around the year 2000 BC the Babylonian astrologers believed that the Sun, moon, and five planets known at that time (Jupiter, Mars, mercury, Saturn and Venus) possessed distinct powers. March, for example showed red and was associated with war and aggression.

Parent sign

Technically reflect your rising sign or ascendant, zodiac sign, State on the eastern horizon at the time you took your first breath of this world. That is why the exact birth time so important to find your exact character growth. Located just before the first Chamber astrologiska charts-----can neither nine hours position--increase the characters affect nearly as powerful as your graffiti of the Sun and the moon.

If you are considering if your Sun sign that your soul is your inner self and potential--and your Moon sign which your heart your emotional core--can you say that's your rising sign your physical self or person you imagine peace. For example, while the Sun Sign Taurus is perhaps your growth the sign may well twins. As you know the chilled out, others tend to see you as a ball of nervous energy and cerebral white.

Sometimes your growth Act a sign as a mask, hide certain aspects of your inner self and you don't feel like finding. Your parent can sign describes your temperament, your look and style and behavior, personality, what you put public display. This is part of the most prepared for other people to see in casual, impersonal situations you; changes here will explain why even people born in the same day you have a lot of different personalities with different strengths and interests, and different life experiences.

Also called increasing signs of emerging, but with the chart. Astrologers used two terms often in parallel. It is literally a character in the moment you were born in a place where you were born on the eastern horizon into the sky. It is therefore important that exists as a place of birth and date of birth chart entirely valid Natal throw.

Planets, moon, Mercury

When most of us think of astrology, we are thinking of our natal and not much else. Did you know that some of the major influences, however, to define these constellations.

First and foremost is the Sun. It is the heart of all life and constitute man's personality and spirit. This planetary ruler sign Leo.

The Moon gives us on the other hand, our soul. Luna-Planet cancer zodiac sign judgment. It is closely linked to maternal instincts and mother. In Chinese astrology, the Moon and the Sun-Yin Yang is.

Mercury rules about Gemini and Virgo. This is the planet spirit and communication. In other words, this planet ideas and tools to communicate the idea. The planet Venus rules Taurus and Libra. Venus is associated with the characteristics and principles of harmony and beauty. Of course it is with love. She is also involved in the fun as we have learned from their personal belongings.

Mars planet crucial to dynamic FRAMEWORK, as well some psychics, Scorpion, although modern astrologers now stipulate that Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio. Mars is the Planet that deals with things you want and how you can get these things. Jupiter is associated with joy and pleasure. It is the ruler of Sagittarius and also applies the principles of growth, religion and higher education.

Saturn-ruling Planet of Capricorn and is associated with the principles of both reality and limitations, restrictions and rules. Saturn has traditionally been the ruler of Aquarius, the discovery of the planet Uranus. Ruling planet Neptune, Pisces and has been associated with fraud, deceit, spirituality and Paranormal phenomena. The Planet Pluto is a Planet pronunciation Scorpio and is linked to the concept of transformation.

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Modest and attractive, rabbit in the Chinese zodiac is often more like rabbits, whether they like it or not! This character is very popular and wide circle of family and friends. Compassionate nature leads to very protects those sweet, but how romantic sentimentality, the rabbit can lead to idealize relations. Sweet, sensitive rabbit often end up giving more of a partner than a realistic or healthy. The good news is, once they sign off-balance-sheet, rabbit core group of friends and its stable lives at home, in order to give back to the middle.

Rabbit is pretty sensitive characters that solid foundation should flourish. Lack of close and supportive friends and family, perhaps just hacking at rabbit tears the first signs of conflict. Emotional signs of life startups can also lead to physical illness. Rabbits hate arguments and other conflicts and will do everything to prevent the battlefield. This results in slightly weak. Rabbits can also be deployed pessimism and may seem to get stuck in their lives--often hide their Undefined nature. Rabbit go usually on life lessons at their own pace, rather kontemplativt. It is a waste of time to be Exasperated with obvious lack of interest of this kind face and conquer them.

With the right partner--pose a high principles which would not take this sensitive, given the rabbit can create extremely loving and protective partner or family member. Rabbits love to entertain at home and always ensure that their houses are comfortable and tastefully decorated. What are rabbits need them is a strong sense of self-esteem and self-confidence that comes with it, Their nature, demanding, in combination with certain difficulties young helps these happy creatures away.

Most compatible match for rabbit is a goat or pig.

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Sagittarians (23 November-21 December) has a positive view of life, full of energy, versatility, adventurous and desire for new and different experiences. She loves to travel and exploration. they are ambitious and optimistic, even disappointment ... Their very nature can also suffer idealistic frustration without being influenced. They are reputable, honest, reliable, accurate, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice. They are usually retained by the weak of society that, for some reason, they believe fighting will ready to be rebellious. The balance of loyalty with independence.

Sagittarians are usually modest and often religious, with a strong sense of morality, although they tend to overemphasise ethical codes they follow and worship God views on, rather than God himself. This means that negative, they feel stiff, unloving, intolerance and conventional codes compliance ritual as important truths they symbolize or represent. Sometimes words of religions and political parties that they have ceased to believe because external is to meet them, but they should feel free to browse loyalty in politics or change their beliefs, because they personally do not see yourself.

Sagittarius, Archer is many war heroes, born under this sign. There are also many artists who have this character, such as Beethoven, Toulouse-Lautrec and Georges-Pierre Seurat was born. Winston Churchill, baseball legend Ty Cobb and publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst born under the sign of all shooters.

Between Sagittarians are reliable and almost never betrayed their will. They are spacious and forgiving, even if they are prone to mood and outbreaks. They make professional excellent teachers and philosophers. Before the invention of a car, she said that she was good with horses. This would be useful for some, as a symbol of Sagittarius Centaur, half a million and a half horse.

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Skeptics often say that astrology horoscope readings are so General that they can be applied at all. and that people will find what they want and discard what does not appear to be true for them, thus tricking you horoscope is correct.

This skepticism is likely to be cancelled if the skeptic really looked at the real horoscope with competent professional astrolog, with its unique time and place of birth. But in this second part of the series we'll look at an example of how sceptical about astrology can come in and go to the syllogism says Astrology stack or fake second-not real horoscope use to prove his point of view.

Although astrology will always be sceptics, they should consider some of the following to your thoughts.

---Astrology probably witnessing the birth of astronomy. There is nothing supernatural, casting of horoscope is made according to the most precise astronomical and mathematical principles.

--Many famous scholars of astrology: Tyco Braga, Carl Jung, Kepler, Huxley and Copernicus. Many others remain anonymous.

--Astrologers don't necessarily believe in fate. They believe that the star is not forced.

--There are 10,000 practicing astrologers and millions of supporters of the horoscope. There are hundreds of books about. Only 10% of Americans believe that there is nothing to it.

--. Many astrologers believe in natural synchronicity between stars and events. Other countries have introduced more value.

Is undeniable scientific fact that planets in measurable electromagnetic, magnetic or gravitational influence on the Earth. Most agree that abnormally tends to peak at full moon.

--Astrology is not limited to Natal. There are also surface horarnoj everyday, medical, meteorological, Chinese 12 years and the Millennium development goals.

--The vast majority of those who look at their own charts (not only) to find uncanny.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011


Scorpio, Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22), one of the most energetic and powerful signs of the zodiac. This is an exciting and magnetic personality, very passionate and emotional. They are a powerful personalities and can easily be sent to the leading role. Consider some complex characters, known as Scorpios: Hillary Clinton, Pablo Picasso, Dylan Thomas, Simon and Garfankelâ is Scorpios. Others include poet Sylvia Plath and Marie Curie. Marie Antoinette was too Scorpion.

Scorpios are more likely to be a genius-level IQ than the majority. they are intense, critically and analytically. They can tend to rebel against all treaties and political extremists.

Best love match for Scorpio, Capricorn. they understand each other's deep spiritual, almost psychic level. Scorpios give their heart fully and passionately.

They can be so talented, can be found in many jobs. Their inner intensity can result in icy self-control and detachment of the surgeon, the concentration of the researcher and heroic soldiers. Any profession in which the analyses, studies, research, dealing with practical issues and solve mysteries are relevant, may appeal to them, So police and detective work, espionage and counterespionage, law, physics or psychology may attract them and give them the opportunity to master the art of the spoken and written words are the most compelling speakers and find fulfillment as diplomats or preachers and whether they are church their profession, their inner intensity can express themselves in the spiritual fervor Mysticism or miracles.

Age of Scorpio in the years of great astrologers, not because it will take time in the future. It is a function of age, we wonder? Humanity will survive so long.

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Sidereal astrology

Sidereal or Eastern astrology is based on the location of the belt fixed stars and constellations of heaven, while the tropical Zodiac or the Western astrologiska system is based on the Sun's position on Earth.  Sidereal astrology is a system used by some Western Astrology, astrologers, their interpretation around the use of starry Zodiac. It was introduced by Irish astrolog Cyril Fagan in 1944 in the West and practiced by a minority of Western astrologers.  Sidereal Astrology tyres is the actual star images, Zodiac and more complex, mathematically more oriented than Western Astrology.

Originally first degree of the zodiac for both systems.  Thanks especially to the Earth's orbit, but it seems the band of stars and constellations shifts to the tropical Zodiac. As a result of two zodiacs away from each other. This is known as a procession of equinoxes and today of about 23 degrees difference between the two systems. So if a person is born on January 1, will he be the Sun in Capricorn on the Western system, but according to the sidereal time the Sun would be approximately 16 degrees Sagittarius.

Practice is to use the starry prefer. Mathematically more correct and it also penetrates the thin elements such as spirit, mind and spirit to present a more complete picture of our soul stay in space and time.

Astrologiska system starry notes strengths and weaknesses as a man's life, as well as corrective measures will improve the experienced recommends our future. Karma fate that we are born with no activity in previous births are intended. In spiritual Astrology of India shows that Karma is eternal and cannot be changed.

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Signs of love

Stars can be much insight about yourself, including how, when and with whom we tend to fall in love. Astrology is not destiny, of course, so you can't love matches the classic astrologiska, please tell us, this does not mean that all is lost. Understanding of the Universal Declaration allows you to your lover, you can learn to make the relationship work, and your own self in the process easier to understand.

First let us look at how accurate is your horoscope. There are agreements in many of them, but find the resource that best describes you, then use the same resource to do some research on your beloved. You should definitely not any rejected because it is a sign of the water and you sign cease-fire, but it certainly can offer some insight into why you two clash, or why you think he felt wet at times.

You really can't go into details about mat perfect zodiac for you, but it is quite difficult to find anyone, it is not. So don't walk away from that guy, water or land; Use your skills in order to understand it. You may need to borrow some ideas from the Earth to manage communication between the two of you or in order to resolve conflicts or air.

There are a lot of really good books and websites that will help you to find out information about your contest Zodiac. Do a little research. And make it fun! What is your character may be cliche, but if you want the rule to deliver properly, it can also be a good icebreaker. If you are a Virgin, and you need to be put, say, talking scales, to him that he has his work cut out for him. Everyone loves a challenge and it is easy flirt and start getting to know someone.

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Own slang, we should be able to hammer home the restaurant profile placement CHT and by heart, but here it is anyway: he was born in 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989 and 2001. Wise and intense with the tendency to natural beauty. Vanity and high tempered.

The hose is an interesting combination of Extraversion, isolation, and so is intuitive reasoning, combined with a design. Snakes are considered good luck with money and generally will be more than enough to live fully, regardless of how important they are eight money. This may be that snakes tend to be pretty tough to cash. They are not efficient. It is just more mentally than physically active. Snakes tend to hang back a little to analyse the situation before jumping in the quality of their charming, seductive rejects actually quite outgoing nature. This character is happy to spend all day with a good book in the coils, and thus may be designated as lazy.

Snake bit unsafe down deep and have usually quite jealous, possessive lovers, behaviour, which can eventually dispose of loved ones. Although it is less than stellar trends, but slang is often irresistible and generous love partner. Some dangerous and disarmingly clever, snake in philosophical and intuitive thoughts replacement usually logic for emotion and instinct. Snakes will rely on its own intuition and gut reactions before other proposals. This makes this signing a big hand in any business enterprise, with the necessary caution and SMARTS necessary to move forward.

Of course, usually generous and hoses, chic, charming and appealing. Hoses should try to learn humility and develop a strong sense of self-esteem. When the hoses are aware that trust from the inside, eventually they will be comfortable in his own skin.

Most compatible match for slang is a rooster or Ox.

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Keep in mind the characteristics of the bull bull-headed than the familiar feeling. Taureans (21 April-21 May), strong, loyal, grounded. They are stable and balanced. They are smart but overly intellectual. They do not receive hits from an unknown, but will rather familiar ground. They love, patients, and reliable.

Workplaces are Taureans good craftsmen, well with his own hands. You can have confidence in bull. they make good managers and foremen. They are effective in terms of the banking sector, architecture, agriculture, medicine and chemistry. This is an area where you can be creative, but within a stable practice and science. Taureans are good workers and goofing off. Because they do not have a large playlist, can they be trusted with finance companies and fully valid and reliable.

Zodiac-sized year-old Taurus held approximately 4300-2150 b.c. who have seen the emergence of Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations. It was an age of bronze in Greece, Minoan and Mycenaean cultures. This was a period characterized by agricultural growth and construction of the pyramids and megaliths. Bull cults was mainly due to Assyria, Egypt, Crete.

Famous Taureans excellent in all areas of life. They include Socrates, George Lucas, George Carlin, Martha Graham and Margot Fonteyn, Audrey Hepburn and Jerry Seinfeld.

As a partner or lover's Taureans loyal and loving home, patient's parents. Do not give sexual experiments. Taureans are grounded in usability. They are stable and harmony. They love pets and outdoor activities such as cycling, hiking and enjoying nature in General.

Each positive attribute is another page, and in the Taurean is reliability and resistance can manifest as jealousy or stubbornness. Fortunately, they are also very intelligent and fast could cause out of individual dark mood and depression.

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The Greeks — basic astrology

Greek astrology and more good, often known as the Hellenistic astrology. Has he really originate in Egypt, at any time after the conquest by Alexander the great and the early Christian era. Hellenistic Astrology contains Byzantine and Roman astrology. It is therefore a general geographical area and era in history, rather than a specific society or culture.

But Hellenistic astrology can be linked to individual or culture, it is the root of all modern and Western Astrology. There are lots of documents written in Greek, although some are written in Roman characters in Natal astrology. This branch of astrology, which refers to the personality. Part of the reason that it is difficult to be the source of these documents with a single individual or culture of the approximately 800 years.

But this does not mean that significant Greek philosophers and scientists have not been part of the evolution of astrology. Hippocrates used astrologiska the interpretation as part of its system for medical diagnosis. Pythagoras was in Egypt, and while there is nothing in the writing of Pythagoras, there were theories, "he explains," says that the Earth, planets and fixed stars around the Sun, a thousand years before Galileo turned on! His theory was later contradicted by Aristotle, who said that the Earth was the center of the world.

After the conquest by Alexander Mesopotamia Greek Astrology began to take on a more personal approach. Zodiac signs and planets represent them in their mythology. Stoisk philosophers are particularly susceptible to astrology. Astrology Greek influences and metaphysical astrology in India. About 70 BC the Greeks invented the first personalized horoscope based on time and date of birth and 30 BC, Emperor Augustus his horoscope chart and interpret Thrasyllos.

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Friday, February 25, 2011

The only book of astrology that you will ever need

Publisher's statement describes this Book: everyone's favorite Astrology book sold over 500,000 copies, now even easier to use with an interactive CD-ROM publication still contains all the details on the release of their own charts on the old-fashioned way and, more importantly, how to interpret it as soon as you are done. But CD-ROM: this new version allows the reader to the remainder of his or her chart for a few minutes, indicating the date, time and place of birth of the personal computer manufacturing astrologiska diagrams in just a few minutes. Once you've created a chart reader, he or she is assigned to the corresponding pages in the book to read more about the Moon, Sun, rising sign, position of the planets in their homes and much more.

Library Journal a book is as follows: this is not the only book in astrology, ever need library is, he still valuable header that should be considered. Woolfolk, columnist for Marie Claire horoscope and Redbook Magazine, has updated its guidelines for a classic for the first time in 19 years. Examine carefully the signs of the Sun, moon, planets and signs which means 12 Zodiac houses, as well as the latest discoveries in astronomy and projections for the 21st century. The author gives you a logical easy to integrate with interpretations of the characters of the Sun, moon, planets and signs of homes in some diagrams, something not easy to do and often seen in books total astrology. Books only flaw is the lack of instructions for creating detailed technical diagram that is necessary to throw full and accurate horoscope. But began Woolfolk compensates for this training with the simple method, which is about 90% accuracy get beginners and includes a bibliography for further instructions. Astronomical tables includes simplified diagram of the votes. Big deal for the price, it is recommended for all collections of astrology.

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The secret language of birthdays

Unless you believe in astrology, a little time to spend with your birthday secret language Gary goldschneider and Joost Eiffers. We guarantee that she will make a believer outta you.

This heavy volume, to see every birthday, two whole pages as well as the usual celebrity targeted information found, etc. are now in a good book to have. Even better-a companion book, the secret language of relationships.

Describes the features of relations of 1176 increases light secret language of classic questions--how and why chemistry in relationships. There is a main ingredient for love at first sight, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Entertaining exploration of exactly what we are not a--without the other--this beautiful volume explains why we believe as we do about people in our lives and how--if necessary--makes it better.

You start with the matrix at the front with birthweeks at the top and side. You guessed, your date of birth on the axis and the birth of a new favorite. Each game has its own birthweek astrologiska forecast. We used this book for many, many first dates, none of them really worked.

Both books are funny sometimes to work or be involved, because they are great icebreakers and funny to watch the reaction of people when they hear their own profiles.

Fate and astrology secret language time other books in the series of gold and Effers. If you get more involved with astrology, you can invest in these books. They are well worth it. You can also take a class or a seminar in astrology, or participate in a newsgroup online. There are so many of them, do a few searches, and definitely you will find lots of like-minded spirits.

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There is a creature on the planet more beautiful than Tiger. We do not believe, and it's not even our character. On the menu today at the Chinese restaurant here is how they describe the Tiger: If you were born in 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, or 1998, you Tiger. Aggressive, courageous, honest and sensitive Than humans. Watch horse and dog for happiness. Beware of the monkeys.

Tigers are leaders born. Tiger is the third sign of the Chinese zodiac. This is a sign of Jan and hear next to the tree element. In recent years Than in 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, and 1998. Tiger is a person who is highly changeable, with powerful natural ability, often at risk for abuse. They are leaders or rebels.

Can the exhausted, dogfight and overly aggressive at times, but their innate charisma and charm are enormous reserves of usually sufficient for them from problems with their lack of foresight can. Their idealistic vision of life may be many bumps on the head of this dramatic reality, until it finally collapsed when a tiger in his personality less attractive aspects may cease.

Tigers courageous than comparing and generally come out ahead in the fight, in the boardroom or bedroom. The temptation is an area where Tiger is definitely King. Nobel and leisure, Tigers is natural, unprocessed profession extremely attractive to other characters. They not only involve, however. ever on the side of the law, the fight against the Tigers a good fight until the end of a bitter if the cause is worth. Opponents fear feline wise.

The lesson that tigers will have to learn moderation in everything. When these cats can find their centre and its great energy worth the effort (unlike racing through life directly), achieve much.

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Tropical astrology

Tropical astrology is the ancient astrologiska Division in heaven. When was invented, registration of the Zodiac constellations. But since the entire Zodiac sign is almost entirely due to precession, moved, so that was born of a Virgin, now probably born Leo-with changes, along with it. Tropical Astrology ignores this and keep using the old table-that has nothing to do with where the planets are in fact in heaven.

Sidereal Astrology recognized the problem of SHIFT characters, but the cost of living to the ridiculous: more star psychics trying to follow the real sector of the sky, the more they have distanced themselves from old wisdom. Sidereal psychics cannot claim to rest on old knowledge, but has the characteristics and properties change over time. In turn, they make the whole concept of astrology is invalid. Real astronomical character-a few days of starry now so not even the sidereal astrology is correct star images.

Sidereal Astrology uses the actual constellation the Sun at the time of birth have to grasp. tropical Astrology uses sector 30 degrees of the Zodiac its basis. Tropical astrology is the most popular and assigned lectures on time of year, ignore the common position of the Sun and stars in the image relative to each other. Sidereal astrology is a small part of the astrologers and lectures about formations in the vicinity of the Sun at the time of birth.

Some psychics data supports the hypothesis that there is a correlation between the heavenly bodies and human events. There are correlations for synchronous overlap astrologiska characters and things like personality, emotion and human destiny.

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Zodiac compatibility

Is there anything Zodiac compatibility. Your astrological sign is really has anything to do with who your ideal partner. Or best friend for you. There is a reason why some brothers and sisters rivals for life, while others are as close as twins.

Considers that an author who is a Virgin, although atypical Virgin (we think). Her sister Capricorn astrology, and according to experts, we need to be in harmony with the Capricorns. And actually, author, and her sister and literally opposite sides of the same coin. In our dreams! And we know when the other is in a collation or a different problem. We will urge each other weird sometimes, only to discover that the second was the problem or need assistance or advice or counsel. We do not consciously, but it works only in this way.

You have no spouse or ex-spouse, be more accurate. It scales, and perhaps we should have done some research in astrology before we were married. We read in the article, in accordance with the scale says "not a chance." how true, how true!

You must make a decision about partner lives in astrology. Damage is not to make some down-to-Earth research before this great step. Even if you don't abandon someone based on their date of birth to perhaps a good horoscope gives you some tips in his character that you cannot go into himself. And when they do something that you truly can be a little basic knowledge of astrology partitioning will help you to interpret what is happening and help you communicate better. And it is never a bad thing, regardless of the resource that you need for better communication.

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